Rural Property Management and Consulting


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The Green Hand launches a new European customised monitoring service

The changing context marked by the election of a new European Commission by a Parliament also freshly elected, the Green Deal and the health crisis once again demonstrated the need to have acces to latest information from the European area. It is indeed become essential for any business manager wishing to be able to make the best suited decisions for its business to be constantly aware of the up-coming European legislations and regulations firstly implemented by Brussels and afterwards at the national level.

However, this often also comes at a cost, and only few actors can unfortunately afford to have access to such a customised European monitoring service and therefore generally turn to associations at the national or European level specific to their sector. As the agricultural, forestry and environment sector is no exception; The Green Hand and its team have decided to offer their clients a customised European monitoring service. The objective of our approach is therefore to democratize this tailor-made service in order to allow even the smallest actors in the sector to be able to position themselves as well as possible on the market.

This service is concretely presented as the delivery of a monthly 3 to 5 pages report on the basis of a monthly or annual commitment containing essential information according to one or more topics preselected by our clients allowing them to have thus a condensed key information at lower cost. This report also includes a census of European events and projects in line with the selected theme(s) and may also be available in French on request.

Finally, this European Affairs monitoring can serve as the basis for a more specific monitoring for example focused on one or more European institutions such as the European Parliament or the Council of the European Union or for the implementation of a lobbying strategy at the European level.

Gaspar Van Cutsem