Rural Property Management and Consulting

European affairs

A cabinet at the heart of Europe


Overview of our services


Advice & Studies

Agriculture and forestry are very specific sectors. Taking part in any debate at the European level on policies related to those sectors requires a certain expertise.

Our clients benefit from our field experience and understanding of the rural sector on the ground in different European countries.   

A comparative study can for example be very useful to know what can be changed or improved.

EU legislative & Regulatory Monitoring

EU legislations and regulations are in constant evolution. It is often very difficult for EU stakeholders to know and understand what is going on in Brussels.

The Green Hand follows the EU agenda in accordance with its clients’ interests to let you know of the relevant upcoming EU legislations and regulations. 

Our specific monitoring can facilitate your decision-making process and your adaptation to the implementation of new legislations and regulations.

Lobbying, representation of interests & Development of networks

Networking, representing interests and influencing the legislative and regulatory agenda in Brussels can be very useful for a number of reasons. 

The Green Hand accompanies you in navigating the EU bubble in the best of your interests and the ones of your sector. 

Our mapping enables our clients to identify precisely key European stakeholders that are relevant to expand their professional network.


Funding opportunities to individuals and entities are available at the European level. These funds can help you to develop your activities and initiate new projects.

The Green Hand follows this aspect for its clients along with calls for tenders issued by the European Commission in order to achieve the objectives of its legislative and regulatory agenda.

Our tailored monitoring identifies for you the different European funding opportunities and tenders that you could benefit from.