Rural Property Management and Consulting


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Focus on the European forestry sector and the EU COVID-19 recovery plan

As everyone knows, the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has affected all sectors of the EU economy including the European forestry sector. However, for several years the latter has been additionally suffering on its side from the impacts of climate change, such as droughts, fires, and damaging agents which are currently challenging the European ecosystem and biodiversity.

It seems obvious that the European forestry sector will have a great role to play in the achievement of the EU Green Deal objectives and therefore in the EU COVID-19 recovery plan, not only because of the size and the importance of this sector at the European level but especially because of the climate benefits that a sustainable European forests management could provide on the long term.

In order to assist the different actors of the European forestry sector in the future development of their activities, both in short and mid-terms, monitoring the impacts and the consequences that the EU Forest Strategy post-COVID-19 will have on European forests’ private owners, managers, and industries in the next months has thus never been so important.

Gaspar Van Cutsem