Rural Property Management and Consulting


All the latest news put down in green on white.

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), a European singularity.

If you plan to invest in lands located in one of the Member States of the European Union, this information might be of your interest. As a matter of fact, CAP cannot be left on the side when it comes to land management in the old continent.

CAP budget is decided at the European level by several institutions. Each Member State gets attributed an envelope at the national level that can be allocated afterwards at the regional level. CAP subsidies concern forests as well as agricultural lands in general.

Depending on the country where you would like to invest, it is essential to know where and how the CAP subsides are allocated. Even more importantly, it is crucial to understand how they will evolve both at national and European level in the future for two main reasons:

-           First, CAP incomes represent a substantial part of the annual return of your rural exploitation;

-          Second, CAP budget is different at each policy cycle and might therefore increase or decrease from one period to another.

The Green Hand and its team are at your disposal to help you to identify the CAP subsidies that could support your investment project and your rural activities in the long term.

Gaspar Van Cutsem